Monday, January 10, 2011


Been super tired slash I guess you can call it jet-lagged, though I hate using that term. I seem to have been doing more sleeping than living since i've been back in LA. Gotta fix that some how...
Did a shoot with the Peeps for Mia's fall 2011 collection today. I cant wait to see how they came out. I have a few more shoots going on this week for a bunch of random projects. Excited and yet a little overwhelmed with my calendar. I'm excited to collaborate with a few different people working on crazy projects! 2011 yes you are my year. Good-bye life and hello work these three weeks should be intense but yet fun. As my big sister would say "2011 will be my milli year" - Bunny Holiday. Also got some exciting news over Petit Lapin shhhhhhh coming soon though!! Alright I should stop blabbing and sleep. 

P.S. I'm experimenting with a few things. I love this shirt only because the fact that a six year old drew it. Super cute slash brilliant.

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